Saturday, April 17, 2010

I Scream Because I Love You

That is what I imagine C is trying to tell me when he screams his head off.
* Note that this is NOT a picture of him screaming, this was our first try at holding a cup. I like this picture because he seemed so calm and cool...just as I imagine he is when crafting his plan of how to get mom to lift him out of his crib...oh yes, the screaming!
So up until now we usually hold C when he gets sleepy, and then put him in his crib. We'll let him cry for about 10 minutes, and if it goes longer, we'll pick him up for a bit. For a while Matt has asked me when we are going to Ferberize/let him cry himself to sleep. Or when we will stop using the monitors in our room. For a while my response has been, we're sticking with the monitors. I might wake up without it, but I don't trust that Matt will.
But now the answer is, "now". We are stopping with the monitor now. Because if we used it, we would have heart attacks when he lets out this scream.
We put him to bed the other night, and he did his new thing. The minute he hits the cribs, his eyes get wide, and he kicks his legs feverishly like he is running the 50 yard dash, but over and over again. It is like a glimpse of a temper tantrum. He gets so upset that you think, "maybe something IS really wrong". But then you pick him up and he calms down, and usually smiles a minute later.
So when we hit the 10 minute mark, Matt said," leave him for a couple of minutes." 11, 12, 13...ticked away slowly. Then at 14, it was quiet. He conked out. It worked again the next nigh (18 minutes). We warned daycare about this, but so far there had been no screaming there.
We get little yelps throughout the day to, if one of us is playing with him, and the other leaves the room. So glad that C loves us so much, but we need to figure out a better way for him to communicate it...ones that does not trigger headaches!

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