Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Asleep, Awake, and Popular

These photos pretty much speak for themselves, in terms of the title for this post. The "awake" photo is out trial run of the high chair. C has his 6 month appointment this week, and after than we are going to start feeding him baby foods. He seems to like this chair, and I am sure he will like it even more when he gets to eat. He now lunges and grabs at bottles, and stares at the food while we eat. So it is probably time. I have a cute little book of how to make my own baby food, supposedly it only takes 30 minutes a week. I am going to try it, but not limit myself...Gerber must have made a good name for themselves for a reason.
The popular part of this post is a funny interaction I had a daycare last week. I was dropping C off, and I ran into a woman that looked familiar, but is not one of the 3 teachers that C has in his "infant" room. She introduced herself as one of the Toddler teachers, and when I told her who I was and C, she said, "Oh, I know C...I have heard a LOT about him."
Which of course made me think," what on earth could you have heard about a 6 month old?"
She followed that with, "He is so handsome".
Which of course I agree with!
I am guessing that she has heard what a cuddly, talky, smiley, giggly guy he is, because that is what the teachers tell us. Or it could be about messy diapers, as grandpa joked when I told him this story. But I will stick to imagining cuddly and cooing.

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