Thursday, April 8, 2010

Shopping for a Better Week

I don't want to jinx it, but so far this week is much better than last week. The weather has been nice and sunny. C and Matt had a lunch date with friends on Monday, and C had his first big boy shopping cart ride. Tuesday we brought cupcakes and Dunkin gift cards to daycare for Teacher Appreciation week. And Wednesday C got his first Red Sox cap (albeit a Toddler size, but that's ok) and enjoyed his first swing ride outside.

Much better than last week, when C was home two days with a fever. Last Tuesday was a particularly bad banner day for me. It was pouring rain, and I was debating lugging my two large work bags on the 10 minute walk to the train, given the downpour (I opted to do so). Matt was taking care of C (who we had just discovered had a fever) and was waiting for our groceries to be delivered (we don't do this all the time, just when we feel like its too crazy of a schedule...we opted to spend the weekend time hanging out rather than shopping). I put waterproof gym pants on over my work clothes and headed out the door. After the puddle-filled-car-splashing-walk, I waited for my train to pull up. Right as it stopped in front of me, I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out my keys. Hmmm, that's strange, I thought I put my keys in my bag.

Unfortunately, I did put the keys in my bag. Matt's set of keys.

My heart and mind immediately races. I do the calculations: I have both sets of Toyota keys, The Toyota is blocking the Honda. That means Matt can't go anywhere. I have my house key, and Matt's house key. I have locked them in the house. There is no way for them to get out.

As I head out of the train station and hope in a cab, I see a missed call from Matt, who has discovered that the keys were missing when the grocery delivery guy came and couldn't get in.

Long story short...Matt was creative and got the groceries in through a window. I took a cab home and delivered the keys. I made my own punishment by doing the walk all over again back to the train. And now I pack up my work stuff the night before, including my keys! Some days you feel like you try to have it all and are failing miserably. That was one of those days.

Luckily this week is different. Feeling good.

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