Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sick, Space, and Songs

We've had two weekends in a row of someone being sick in our it is C with a cold and pink eye. He is a trooper, but it is sad to see him so down when he is such a happy guy normally. Two little random things that he is really into right now: his "space" and the radio.

His "space" is this tiny little corner in our living room. He loves to back up into it. Sometimes he just likes to sit there, other times he will dance. One thing is for sure, he does not like it when anyone else tries to sit there. It is his space! If you ask him where his space is, he will go right over there.

The other is the radio. He discovered a small hand held radio at grandpa's house. We put the "all holiday music" station on over breakfast, and now there is no turning it off. Not only does the radio need to be on, but it needs to be on the floor right next to him.

On the upside of sick weekend...I think that C has finally said "mom". Not too often, but he has said it. His best "m" sound is "more" (for more milk). It comes out more like "mORE" with is mouth like an owl.

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