Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Nurse Megan

It has been a tough couple of days at our house. Late Saturday night, after our friends left from having dinner at our house, we realized that our heat wasn't kicking on. Which is a problem considering it was the night before the coldest day of the year. M called the oil company and got instructions of how to fix it, which involved taking really large buckets of water outside to dump. Well, on his first trip outside, he slipped on some ice and badly sprained his ankle. Our amazing friend took M to the ER during the wee hours of the morning so I could stay home with C. These photos show C and I the next morning at the pharmacy picking up M's medications and then playing with the big boot yesterday. I particularly like these photos because it was really hard to get his boots through the cart. Also, the photo that looks like he is looking through the Valentine candy thinking "What should I get my mom?" Not really. There were some humongous teddy bears on top that he was saying "hi" to. He was such a good sport.

Further complicating things is that C is fighting a cold and was sent home from daycare with a fever. So now we are all home today.

We are so grateful that M isn't more seriously broken bones or landing on his head. And it is a good reminder at how much he does for care pick up and drop offs, shoveling snow, staying home with C on Wednesdays, and taking care of C each day. I've been a little crazed trying to do all these things. Too bad Mother Nature isn't cooperating and plans to send a foot of snow tomorrow!

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